Tuesday, September 30, 2008

12 days post op!

Well, the swelling is finally down! (randomly though today I woke up with a black eye!) Anyway, I have my second post-op appointment in the morning, I dont know what he will do but take another x-ray, and check the progress. I was able to eat mac n cheese with a toothpick the other day! That was so exciting, but wasnt really worth the pain and such after the fact!

I have so many pictures I just have not gotten any recent one put up yet, so I'll work on that.
My new motivation is that I just want to get to the point where I can open my mouth enough to brush my tongue!!! I just want to brush my tongue!

I want to eat too. Last night we went to dinner, and I had soup, but I ended up having to wait until we got home cause I had to blend it, so I got a root beer float, and that was great! But my mom had an amazing cheeseburger! and I thought to myself.... oh for the day I can sink my new bite into that!

Only 6 more weeks of non chewing!

1 comment:

Grace said...

Hang in there!!!
it'll be a rough ride, but so many have survived before you and you def. have it in you too!
just make sure to carry an ensure around w/ you whenever you leave home so you don't get hunger pains. I still stash ensure (regular, not plus any more) in my locker at school. Yeah, we have lockers in law school just like high school...sad.

if you were able to eat mac n cheese so early, try pancakes doused in syrup! really great for calorie consumption and very yummy....I always liked pancakes but have a new-found love for McD's hotcakes since the surgery. :)
Let me know how things are, and how tongue-brushing is going. I wasn't wired or banded for a few weeks post-op and my surgeon encouraged me to brush my teeth from day 2, which was scary w/ the stitches and bleeding and no feeling. So be careful and rest up while you can!

I'm getting de-braced next Sat. and I'm scared of loosing my rubber bands. Wish me luck!